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Now admit it. You all knew that our Tracy would end up in Downing Street, didn't you?

Sure enough she was in Number 10 in April.

And if that wasn't enough, she had dinner in The House of Commons, You just can't keep a good girl down.

Tracy tells us all about her experiences and you can read her account on this page.







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Our September edition is now ready to view on our website. Please click here

We are trying something new this month - a review of a play.

I went to see Spring and Port Wine recently at Bolton's Octagon theatre

and was asked to write a review. I was only too happy to do so as it featured

Accrington's own Mina Anwar alongside Les Dennis. You can read my

review in our columnists section or by clicking here.

Humbled and Honoured

What an achievement for the Acorn!

On Tuesday April 4th I received what I thought was a spam email from No 10 Downing street; after all, who would know who I was at No 10. At the time I was with a customer and friend: Peter at Earl Transport.  I showed him the email and said I wasn't going to open in case it contained a virus. I was more concerned about getting it off my phone.

Peter said that I should check it out in case it was real. So I sent it to Sara who eventually got back to me and said it was indeed genuine and that she had nominated me to attend a Local Media Champions Reception in recognition for the work I do in the community.

This I attended on Wednesday April 19th after which, I was treated to a personal guided tour of Parliament and dinner at the Strangers’ Restaurant inside the House of Commons. My daughter Alana joined me for this exciting  adventure.

Alex Kelly, Sara's P.A, escorted us around Westminster Hall and the House of Commons and we even had the privilege of going into the gallery to listen to a debate on the day.

Going through the doors of 10 Downing Street was so exciting.

 I had 2 requests from friends; one was to take a picture of Larry the cat and the other was to find a painting of  'Silcocks Fairground at Daisy Nook.'  Local family member Lawrence Silcock told me that L S Lowry had painted his Big Uncle Ted's Fairground back in the 1950s and was hanging in Downing Street somewhere. On my journey up the staircase towards the Reception Room I saw this wonderful painting, signed by L S Lowry 1948, which had pride of place.

After a wonderful reception hosted by the Rt. Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport,  she congratulated around 30 of us from around the UK for being there and told us that our local media,  reporting local stories was as important as the National Press. It was lovely to meet other champions from radio, newspaper journalists and photographers.

After leaving the reception room and heading to the inside door I asked the security guard where Larry was. He told me that he was asleep on a cushion in the window bottom but I wasn't allowed to take photographs inside. I did actually try my best to entice him outside but to no avail. I did however, stroke him 3 times: one from me, one from Hillary Austin RBL and one from Andy Richards from Happy Cats.

 Back at the House of Commons we had drinks in the Strangers’ Bar where the MPS drink, then headed to the Strangers’ Restaurant where they dine, for a wonderful meal. It was an absolute pleasure to get an insight into Sara's work and see what she does for the community of Hyndburn and Haslingden, and to top it off we were able to go inside the House of Commons chamber and stand  where our Prime Minister stands.

Thank You to Sara for a truly wonderful experience.

It was also lovely to be in London to witness all the preparations taking place for King Charles III’s Coronation.

Tracy Simmonds


Acorn Community News


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Pictures courtesy of HM Goverment photographer





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