
An Evening With Su Pollard will take place at Oswaldtwistle Civic
Theatre on Wednesday June 8th. Acorn News was offered an
interview with Su, which we happily arranged, and the following is
my feature article, based of what she told me when we spoke to her
on the phone a few days ago.
If you have watched any television at all since the 1970s,you will
know the name Su Pollard is synonymous with good entertainment. For
that reason, I felt privileged to do a phone interview with her
recently. I wanted to find out what the woman behind the legend was
really like, and I was not disappointed.
Su was born in Nottingham and got the performing bug at the age of
six, when she appeared in a school Nativity play. She told me:
“I was the Angel Gabriel’s assistant and I said: ‘Fear Not Mary. The
Angel Gabriel will be here, and you will be with child.’”
Su went on to tell me:
“I was put on this plinth, which was really a cardboard box, held
together with sellotape. Anyway I fell right through it and everyone
laughed. I saw the funny side too and thought that I quite liked
Bitten by the acting bug, Su subsequently joined local amateur
groups for experience, did the local club circuit and learned as
much as she could from the amateurs. She stressed all this was a
progression over about twenty years and the next step for Su was
when she saw an advert in The Stage. She told me that made her
“Oh, I’m going to give this a go. If I don’t I’ll never know if I
can make it or not. This led to a steady stream of work and then I
got the call from my agent saying that two of their clients; David
Croft and Jimmy Perry had written this pilot sitcom about a holiday
camps, and would I like to audition?”
Of course that sitcom was Hi De Hi and a year later Su got the part
of Peggy.

Before that Su did another sitcom called Two Up Two Down in which
she starred with Paul Nicholas. Although it was very popular, it
only lasted one season, but as Su said, if was a good way to get
into things as a relatively new actor. I was the new girl on the
block, so to speak at that time.”
I put it to Su, that I had read that she appeared on Opportunity
Knocks in 1974, singing: I’m Just a Gal Who Cain’t Say No from the
musical, Oklahoma and subsequently came second to a singing jack
Russell terrier. Her reply was:
“Oh yes, that’s absolutely correct. It was Harold Gumm and he came
on dressed as a farmer with fencing in the background and said: ‘I’d
like to sing a duet now with me and my dog Jack. He sang Oh What a
Beautiful Morning and the dog howled.
“I was mortified. I couldn’t believe I’d been beaten by a singing
If you do a Google search on Su, you quickly realise how busy this
lady has been over the years and addressing every single thing would
take a book rather than a feature article. After Hi De Hi, Su
appeared in two more David Croft vehicles: You Rang M’Lord? and Ooh
Doctor Beeching. The
latter was written in partnership with Richard Spendilove; the
second with old partner Jimmy Perry
Su was also the subject of This is Your Life with Michael Aspel in
1989 and appeared in two Royal Variety shows. I asked her what was
the highlight of her career; the thing that she would never forget
and would always be please she achieved.
“I think it would have to be the first time I met the queen at The
Royal Variety Show. She was so gracious and I was told that she had
some of the Hi De Hi Shows sent to the Palace. I think the reason
would be that it made my Mum and Dad proud and was something they
would never forget and that has a sort of knock-on effect.”

Su at Royal Variety Show
I then asked Su what advice she would give to any young person
hoping to follow her footsteps. She told me:
“It would be, be absolutely adamant that this is what you want to
do. Don’t enter into anything to be famous. You go into it trying to
be a good performer. You’ve got to be single-minded. You’ve got to
be prepared to put the work in. Nothing will just come to you.
“You have also got to be prepared to take advice from people who you
know have faith in you. Perhaps start off with an amateur company
first. Hone your skills over the years and audition for another
show. It’s a case of doing as much as you can while you are
enthusiastic and don’t lose your passion for it.”

Sue on Lorraine
Su went on to say that some people only see acting as a hobby and
that is fair enough, but for the ones who are serious she gave this
“Apply to drama schools. Be prepared to audition, and be prepared
certainly, to be rejected. That’s not in any way, meant to sound
negative. Sometimes you can be the most talented person, but you
don’t suit the job. Somebody may be just as talented but fits the
job better.”
Su is appearing at Oswaldtwistle Civic Theatre on Wednesday June 8th
in An Evening With Su Pollard at the start of her 2022 tour. Having
spoken to her I can only advise you to book early. I am sure it will
be something worth seeing.
I’d like to thank Su for a wonderful interview; she was delightful
to speak with and answered all my questions with such good grace.
She is a truly professional artist with an excellent work ethic and
on behalf of Acorn News, I wish her great success on her tour and
for many years to come.

Su on Russell Harty
© Peter Jones 2022
Pictures: Top - courtesy of Civic Theatre. All
others courstesy of YouTube
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When Andrea Elleray had
to take time off work for a bunion operation in January, she
couldn’t possibly have predicted that she would be off work until
The operation on January 20th didn’t go exactly to plan and Andrea needed bed rest and relaxation
to get better. Just as she was recovering, after being off work for
eight weeks, the lockdown happened.
Andrea, who teaches textiles at Heathland
Private School spent Mother’s Day (the day before lockdown) planning
something that must have surprised even her when it became the
subject of media interest and got her followers in many countries.

She explained: “I’d been to a garden centre
and on the way back, I noticed that people had been painting
rainbows in windows, and I do like a rainbow myself. It’s the colour
wheel. I’d just done my dining suite and each chair to be a
different colour anyway, so I got some of my daughter’s old fabric
wallpaper and I painted it. I was just going to do one window and I
ended up doing three sections of the bay window downstairs and two
upstairs and that’s really where it started.”
Shortly after, Andrea
noticed a page on Facebook called “The Rainbow Trail.” She decided
to post something she had previously made, a rainbow pompom wreath
and it got 1.3k likes.
Then Andrea decided to
put all her craft skills to good use. She told me:
“With these skills and my love for rainbows,
I suddenly thought here is something to keep me entertained. With my
husband working from home in one room and my son doing his school
work in another, I went into the garden and I did a big spectrum
coming from the hanging basket and that ended up on Hello!.com.”
She then started upcycling every day objects
including wheel hubs, old cds, cricket and tennis balls, bowling
balls and even old benches and in the same week made the front page
of the Lancashire Telegraph and Accrington Observer.
By then little children and people of all
ages were taking walks past her house just to see the garden.
“All this spurred me on and gave me a
purpose really. I also started to get people asking me how I make
all the stuff that goes in the garden, so I’ve made a page called
The Rainbow Garden Accrington.”
This page at the time of writing has 4,126
followers and goes to show how much interest there is in what Andrea
is trying to and has achieved so far. She also gets messages from
all over the world with pictures of what Andrea calls ‘Rainbow
Garden Re-creations’. She told me:
“There are ladies in Australia and America.
There’s a girl who has done her balcony to echo the Rainbow Garden
in Germany. There’s a lady in Pakistan starting to make things;
people in Baxenden as well.”
I put it to her that this was becoming an
international operation as well as a local spectacle and she had to
Recently Andrea has been asked to do an
exhibit for Haworth Art Gallery for a new exhibition highlighting
lockdown activities; she has also had an article in Northern Life
magazine featuring her own pictures of her garden, not to mention
BBC’s Northwest Tonight.
She is due to go back
to school in early September but instead of working three days a
week will now be down to two. She has actually been planning
starting her own photography business, with her husband coming on
board, and was just starting to get commissions when the lockdown
happened, but she is now philosophical and says:
“We had lots of weddings booked but only
managed to do one before I went into hospital. I am sure they will
come back when all this is over but for the time being, I’ll settle
for the Rainbow Garden and my own exhibition.”
This all goes to show what can be achieved
when circumstances change our everyday lives and what Andrea has
achieved is an inspiration to many others. I would like to thank her
for telling me her story, and wish her every success in the future.
© Peter Jones 2020
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Jill McDonald-Constable is a lady of many talents. Born in Liverpool to a mother with wanderlust and an ex Air Force Dad, Jill has travelled to most parts of the country. She married a soldier, Chris, who died in 2013, and has a daughter, two grandchildren and two dogs.
She also has a website, which has recently been updated, offering hand-crafted items along with a new and innovative, Art based, service. We will talk about that more in due course, but first we should look at how this remarkable woman embarked on her love for art, crafts and writing.
Jill told me:
“My favourite school lessons were English and Art. I was a window dresser for a couple of years after school, so was able to utilize my creativity there, and since my teens, I have made many of my own and my family’s clothes, and have always been writing or doodling!”
Jill is also a published author with not just one, but two publishers. She wrote three Western novels (one of only three British women to do so at the time) which were published by Robert Hale under the author name of Amos Carr, which are still available in Public Libraries. She describes them as ‘shoot ‘em up’ cowboy books.
Later, accepted by an American publisher, Prairie Rose, she produced three more Westerns, ("selling cowboys to America was a big thrill!"), but with more romance than the first three, along with a Contemporary Romance with a slight Supernatural twist, a more scary Supernatural tale, and a real-life account of one of her dogs (in an anthology with more of their authors.)
Jill said: “At present I am working on two more books, a Medieval Romance, and one set in the 1920s. My author names now are either Jill McDonald or Gill McDonald, depending on the imprint. The books are available on Amazon, or, even better, if you would like a signed copy, with your own dedication, just get in touch!”

Jill is also an accomplished artist and has painted murals on commission for businesses, along with smaller works such as pet portraits, and her ‘Fractured Landscape’ series of abstract paintings depicting the far Highlands of Scotland. She offers a large variety of items; paintings, jewellery boxes, wall plaques, favour boxes, jewellery, and more, all of which she sells on her website.
I asked Jill about her new venture and this is what she told me:
“‘The Crafty Witch’ is not new, I have had a website for around 5 – 6 years, although some of the subject matter I am now including is indeed original and completely unique to me. Please take a look at www.thecraftywitch.net The name is simply because, over the years, members of my family, for one reason or another have jokingly called me a witch! And as I live in the shadow of the famous Pendle Hill, and create crafts, what better name, really? Recently, however, I have been going in different, and remarkable, directions with my work, which means more people may be interested in interacting with me. Therefore, I can now be found on Google!”
I suggested that for something like this to succeed, you need a USP and Jill assured me she definitely has that.
“My USP; what makes my business stand out, is that, along with my Arts and Crafts, I am also able to create individual, Intuitive readings for people. My ‘Dragonfly Colour Readings ©’ are a discipline which I have personally invented, and which are highly unusual. Not ‘Spiritual’ or ‘Psychic’ as such, but relying on my own intuition and interpretation, combined with the energies of the client at the time.
“They are carried out on the phone, thereby allowing everyone, including the housebound, to have access to something which could make a big difference to their lives. To take part in a ‘Dragonfly Colour Reading ©’ just call me to arrange a time and date. On the set day, you pick some numbers which correspond to my collection of highly pigmented colours. I place those colours onto quality watercolour paper, then wet them, creating a variety of shapes and blends, which I study as we talk, and I connect with your energies. After we finish, I mount up the ‘picture’ we have created, and post it to you, along with a small gift as thanks for purchasing a reading from me.
“My hope is to be able to reach out to more people who may be stuck, at a crossroads, or an uncertain time in their lives, and help them progress through that, as well as possibly giving them some insights into their lives which may help them see a new way to go. It may be of most interest to those who have always wanted to have a reading, but until now have been hesitant about approaching anyone. I explain what is happening every step of the way.
“As far as the rest of my Arts and Crafts, I am presently busy creating many more beautiful pieces to be gifted at a variety of occasions, or even purchased as a special present for yourself! Who knows, they may go on to become family keepsakes.”
After my interview, Jill offered me an opportunity to experience one of her readings and extended her offer to Acorn News’ owner, Tracy Simmonds. I was really impressed with her intuitive interpretation of my colours and many of the things she said resonated quite deeply; in a good way, I hasten to add. Tracy later had hers and felt much the same about the experience, saying in most areas, Jill was “spot on.”
If you would like to book a ‘Dragonfly Colour Reading’ © call Jill on: 07983 765579 or for more information on them, or to purchase one of her delightful gifts, go to: www.thecraftywitch.net
Pictures: Selfie, courtesy of Jill. Middle picture Peter Jones
© Peter Jones 2020
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Journey to ‘bring the extraordinary’ to Accrington and Rossendale College with impressive campus transformation

Accrington and Rossendale College’s journey towards becoming extraordinary is continuing - as the £4million campus transformation enters its final stage
The college, which became part of the Nelson and Colne College Group in 2018, is predominantly continuing its teaching and learning operations online. During that time, improvement works on the college’s campus have continued to progress.
The transformational green space creation to enhance the campus environment is now almost complete and wildflower meadows with flora and fauna will be the backdrop to improved access, making getting around the site much easier. A new main entrance to the Accrington and Rossendale College site off Sandy Lane has also been created as a gateway to the college.
An employer hub is to be created in the reception area of the college’s Construction and Automotive Centre in the final phase of the transformation. Moving forward, the building is set for a complete overhaul improving the learning experience of students who are on the college’s renowned Auto Electrics and Vehicle Technician courses, as well as those working towards career trades including Brickwork, Carpentry and Joinery, Construction and Civil Engineering, Painting and Decorating, and Plastering.
Other facilities include brand new industry-standard Hair and Beauty salons, innovative study spaces, and a revamped specialist Learning Resource Centre. There are also dedicated Learner Services and Careers areas and a remodelled and modern student Refectory.
Underpinning the site improvements are developments in the college’s quality of performance, and its curriculum, teaching and resources – a shared benefit from being part of the one of the leading College Groups nationally.
Accrington and Rossendale College now sits with its partner Nelson and Colne College as number one in Lancashire for 16-18 Advanced Apprenticeships. For classroom achievement, at all ages and levels, Accrington and Rossendale College now places in the top five colleges nationally.
Since the merger, Accrington and Rossendale College has also achieved significant progress in the three main areas of inspection during an Ofsted monitoring visit – in the areas of Apprenticeships and GCSE Maths and English.
New courses from September this year include new T Level qualifications in Digital and Education and Childcare, and vocational courses such as Law, Justice and Protective Services, Business and the successful Burnley FC Shadow Youth Team programme.
Principal of Nelson and Colne College Group Amanda Melton said: “We’ve made outstanding progress at Accrington and Rossendale College in the 18 months since we became a merged institution. Our focus has always been to invest in our College facilities to ensure that they are fit to develop the skills of talented young people for years to come, and we are well down the road towards achieving this.
“Another priority has been ensuring that our curriculum improves, and we have made great strides in this area too. By providing people with qualifications, knowledge and skills aligned to industry through exceptional teaching and learning, we can prepare students for successful and sustainable vocational and technical careers and support them to become the workforce of the future.
“We need to continue working hard to bring the extraordinary to Accrington and Rossendale College, and reap the many benefits of being in a leading College Group led by Nelson and Colne College.”
Chloe Begley, 18, is studying Level 3 Health and Social Work Professions at Accrington and Rossendale College. She said: “I’m really enjoying my course and I would recommend Accrington and Rossendale College because my tutors have been very supportive and friendly. I’ve come so far at College, and it has been a challenging and memorable experience. I’m working towards becoming an effective practitioner in psychology, which is an area that I am passionate about.”
Taylor Fox, 23, is an Advanced Carpentry and Joinery Apprentice. He said: “Accrington and Rossendale College is the best in the area for Carpentry and Joinery, the facilities are great and my tutors are a huge help – they want you to be the best. I’ve also enjoyed the competitions that I have taken part in while completing my Apprenticeship with College.” |
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Throughout the borough people took to their gardens and streets for special celebrations for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. Always observing social distancing of course. Below are some images of what went on on Friday May 8th sent to us by our readers.
Woodlands Clayton-le-Moors


More pictures: Please click here |

Julie Hesmondhalgh
returned to the Civic Arts Centre and Theatre after a thirty year
absence on Sunday.
She performed a one woman show that she had written specifically for
the afternoon performance.
She returned because Gayle Knight, the
Creative Director at the Civic asked if she could help with fund
raising. ‘I genuinely just thought she’d send a signed photo that we
could auction’, said Gayle, ‘but immediately she emailed back saying
she would create this amazing trip down memory lane for us. The only
difficulty then was in finding a date that she could manage in
between plays’.
Julie was in Oswaldtwistle Players,
Accrington Theatre Group and Blackburn Drama Club many years before
making the big time. She performed in Bonny Brid at the Civic and
many of the old cast came to see her this weekend.
The event raised just over £2,000 for the
Civic. Earlier this year the Civic was going through a turbulent
time, but was just managing to keep afloat whilst theatres up and
down the country were all closing.

‘It’s a big old building to keep going’,
said Gayle, ‘but we’re a determined bunch and very passionate about
what we do and fund raisers like this will go some way to helping
keep the centre alive. We can’t thank Julie enough for her help.’
While she was there, Julie also visited two
groups in rehearsal; the cast of The Great Gatsby and St Mary’s
Pantomime group before her performance.
Julie had her audience captivated as she
spoke with fondness about growing up in Church and of the pranks she
and her brother used to play on each other. She spoke lovingly of
her special relationship with her father and how he wrote poems at
the age of sixteen and went on to leave diaries which she later
wrote a show around, and with sadness after he became ill and could
no longer go on the walks that had meant so much to him.
She spoke fondly of her time at LAMDA
(London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) and how an American
friend there was amazed that there was a Broadway in Accrington.
She also spoke with real relish about
landing the part of Hayley in Coronation Street and what
a difficult time she had leaving the show, and Hayley behind.
The part had brought about public awareness to transgender people to
the point it had made a difference socially and she was proud to
have been a small part in that, as her portrayal of a rape victim in
Broadchurch had also brought that subject into the spotlight.
Now Julie has just finished filming a new
series of The A Word, which should be back on our screens soon. It
is tribute to Julie’s love for the town that she cut into her busy
schedule to take time to visit her roots and we were all grateful
for that. She also invited questions in the second part of her show
and answered every one happily.
We are privileged to still have a theatre in
our town when so many are closing, so please support it by buying
tickets and going to as many shows as you can. Let’s treasure what
we have!

© Peter Jones 2019
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An Accrington student, who studied at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, looked back to his roots for the subject of his dissertation. So well received was it, that now he is looking for a publisher to bring it into the public domain.
Shohaib Iqbal grew up in Accrington and remembered his dad telling him all about Accrington Brick. He said: “At the time it sounded bizarre and boring, but when I reached twenty-one, something made me want to know more about it and on a placement from university in London, I wrote an editorial on the subject.”
It was well received and when he pitched the idea to his tutors on his return, they were very impressed with the resulting dissertation.
Shohaib did a lot of research for the project that took him to Accrington Heritage Museum, which at that time was in the old J and T Cosmetics shop next to Burtons in the Arndale Centre. He told me:
“They were all so helpful, June especially. I was amazed at what I saw there. It was one thing doing all the theory but to see everything up close was overwhelming. June also suggested that I saw John Simpson at Accrington Library. I actually begged him for information and told him my future success depended on it. He was very helpful and I spent all day, from 9 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. there doing research.”
Shohaib wanted to find a unique way of illustrating his piece and hit upon making authentic bricks from cardboard with all the dimensions authentic to the original bricks. He even made one brick with a ransom note tied to it as if it had been thrown through a window. He also created the story using the Accrington Brick logo and a series of fact sheets on cardboard bricks, even creating a folding brick that enclosed several factual booklets on the subject. He even numbered the bricks as they were originally identified.
Now he has graduated, Shohaib is working in Manchester as a graphic Designer but is very ambitious about getting a publisher for his projects and developing the idea further. Now twenty-three he is a very bright and personable young man, and we at Acorn wish him every success in the future.
© Peter Jones 2019

Recently it was my
pleasure to interview prominent local artist, Peter Sherburne at his
Accrington home. Peter mainly paints animal, landscapes and nature in
general and was commissioned by Hyndburn Borough Council to create a
painting for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to the town
in 2012.
I asked him how that felt and if the queen
liked his artwork. He told me:
“I was privileged to meet Her Majesty and she
complimented me on my attention to detail. I watched her eyes as she
examined every inch of the canvas. It was a truly memorable

Picture Copyright Hyndburn Borough Council
Peter has been painting since the age of
fourteen and one of his first painting featured on BBC TV in the 1960s
on an art show hosted by Adrian Hill. That was shortly followed when
Peter and his brother David won an art competition in what was then
Lancashire Evening Telegraph, the prize for which, was a meal and a
film at the cinema.
Peter was telling me how much his subjects had
changed since he became a Born Again Christian.
I used to paint things of the Occult. The most
elaborate painting I ever did was one about mysticism with lots of
symbols. Now I only paint things of God’s Creation: landscapes,
plants, animals etc.”
He once did a painting inspired by the film,
Whistle Down the Wind and sent it to Hayley Mills. In return the
actress sent him a lovely letter saying how much she loved his
painting and a signed photo, which Peter keeps in a frame as you can
see in our picture.

Peter told me he loves experimenting with
different paints and loves to see their interaction on the canvas.
“I always build my painting up in layers,” he
told me. “When I was doing the one for the Queen’s visit I was not
very well but I soldiered on. I think it took me two months to
He wants to experiment with metallic paints
soon and is interested with the result. It wouldn’t be the first time
Peter has painted with metallic paints either. He revealed:
“When I was doing my O Levels at night school
I used car paint in one of my projects. Though very happy with the
result, I hadn’t taken into account how pungent their smell was and I
got into trouble for stinking out the class. I also got a very high
mark though so it was worth it.”
Although Peter had been painting for many
years, one thing he had always struggled with was perspective. He was
offered a position at Shopfitters Lancashire Ltd as a colour
draughtsman and he held that job for 18 years until they finally
closed. It was there that he mastered the missing element of
perspective and has never looked back since.
After Shopfitters, Peter got a job for a firm
of printers in Church Street working with a laser printer. He told me
it was an interesting job and he enjoyed it immensely until someone
asked him to print money for them.
Now Peter is a self-employed artist and would
like to get his work more widely recognised. He told me he was
primarily an artist and all he wanted to do was paint.
“I have never been good at promoting my work
and perhaps that is the side I need to work on more in the future.”
Amongst other celebrities Peter has sent
prints of his work to is Naturalist, and former member of The Goodies,
Bill Oddie.
“He said I was a real old school painter in
that my work was very vibrant and true to the subject.”
Although Peter does sometimes paint for a
photograph, he much prefers to paint from his own head and has done
that with several paintings like the one with the mushrooms on our
front page.
Even when he paints form photographs though,
his paintings are more intense. His use of colours and minute
attention to detail ensures that. Peter also said that he never works
with black as it kills a painting and nothing in nature is completely
“I use ultramarine or if I want it really
dark, indigo,” he told me.
Peter also studied Arts and Social Sciences
with the Open University for a while. The ensuing qualification was
the equivalent of four A levels.
I asked him what he thought of HD television. He said:
“It is always in HD in my mind. Whenever I
watch TV it’s always with a view to composition.”
I put it to Peter that his eyes were his most
precious possession and asked how he kept them in good shape.
“I do eye exercises and eat food like spinach,
kale and broccoli that is all good for the eyesight. In my thirties I
used to teach yoga and there was an exercise I did in that to help the
eyes also.”
Peter was born in Accrington in 1948 and lived
at 20 Owen Street, right opposite what was then the Clock Garage. Then
he, his brother David and the rest of the family moved to Plantation
Square where they grew up. Many of his family were artistic in some
way; his brother is also a painter so I suppose it was on the cards
from an early age that Peter would become an artist.
I would like to thank Peter for giving up his
time to let me conduct this interview and I wish him lots of luck in
the future. I am not an art buff, but looking at Peter’s body of work,
I can’t think of many paintings that compare to the detail and love he
puts into every canvas.

Peter shows his framed memento of his presentation to the Queen
© Peter Jones 2017 All pictures unless otherwise stated © Peter Jones |
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